Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to "jazz up" your Homework Folders!

Super excited that I just finalized my homework folder acronym: Last year it was GIRAFFES = Goals, Ideas, Resources And Facts For Enjoying School, but since my classroom has a lot of ZEBRA,  I decided to change it to (drumroll please) ZEBRA: Zebras Ensuring Being Ready Always! I think it makes it so much more fun than just saying... "take out your homework folder".... instead it's "Take out your ZEBRAS!!!"I used this website to help generate the initial idea and then I googled for other word choices and viola! Once I get everything made and ready I will post pics! Have fun! Remember it's the little things that make school fun and that the kids will remember! 

NEW BLOG for school!

So I recently started blogging random things that are happening at the Hoppe House and have really gotten into finding great DIY (do it yourself) sites, which I am all about! Then a whole new blogging world was introduced to me... TEACHER BLOGS!!!! My oh my! What an awesome way for teachers to share great ideas with each other! So here it goes, I've decided to start one too! I am very new to blogging so any advice would be greatly accepted! Does anyone know where I copy the button info into? I created a button but I can't really figure it all out.... HELP!